We are pleased to announce the start of a new project RIDE, funded by the European Union’s AMIF Fund, led by UNITEE (Belgium), and in collaboration with Diesis Coop (Belgium), Litus Novum (Germany, Youth Included (Czech Republic), Simplexis (Greece), Code to Change (Netherlands), Chamber of Commerce of Bulgaria (Bulgaria) and Cisco Networking Academy Europe.
RIDE aims at including migrant and refugee women into the digital labour market giving them the possibility to re-skilling or upskilling in the digital sector by specially designed courses and trainings enabling them to start working. A major part of the project will be dedicated to preparing them for the labour market in the host country and to raise the awareness about women rights in the host society.
The project seeks to include migrant women into the digital labour market, enhancing the chance for them to gain economic and civic independence and to provide an income for their families while doing a fulfilling job feeling more active in their new home countries.
In this project jointly with Code to Change, we will develop the framework methodology for all partners implement the digital training and mentoring activities across five EU states.