European Network of Migrant Women

Projects and Actions

All our projects are aimed at securing & improving the rights of migrant & refugee women and girls

CONSOLIDATE: Integrating Cities

CONSOLIDATE is a project coordinated by Eurocities, in partnership with the European Network of Migrant Women, Migrants Network, and 12 cities/municipalities.

The main aim of the project CONSOLIDATE is to facilitate the transition from short-term emergency responses to sustainable integration strategies for migrants in Europe, particularly in areas experiencing recent sharp increases in the arrivals of refugees and migrants.

AGENCY: Vote With Her

Women’s active political participation is crucial for creating and sustaining egalitarian and democratic societies. Where women are excluded from decision-making, politics, public debates and spaces not only it leads to increase in men’s violence, discrimination against women and patriarchal harmful practices - it sustains the status quo of inequalities between women and men and the invisibility of women.
With the support of the European Parliament, we have AGENCY: Vote With Her, a project in which we will work side by side by women of diverse ethnic groups and ages across 15 European Union states to facilitate their active engagement in the European Parliament elections and EU decision-making processes and architecture, as well as to be active agents in the preparation for the European elections 2024.

FULFIL: Protecting & Promoting Fundamental Rights of Migrant Women in Europe

Started in November 2022, the FULFIL project will focus on capacity-building of legal professionals in the area of strategic litigation on the cases of breaches of fundamental rights of migrant women in Europe, capacity-building of migrant women and civil society organisations (CSOs) working with them on legal cases, as well as building a case-law database. 

FULFIL is funded by the CERV Fund of the European Union, in partnership with Association Olympe in France, Iroko Onlus in Italy and Association against Femicide in Portugal, as well as two legal firms –  Artemis in France and Parolin Law firm in Italy – as well as the European Women’s Lawyers Association (EWLA). 

MOVE: Engagement of men on the move

Displaced women and girls face increased risks of multiple forms of violence as a result, among many other factors, of displacement, conflict and persecution – in the countries of origin, transit and destination.

The MOVE project aims to end men’s violence against women and girls, including “honour”-related violence and oppression. It focuses on increasing the readiness and skills of both frontline professionals and specialised perpetrator programme staff to effectively identify, refer and work with male perpetrators with a migration background using a culturally sensitive approach. 

WorldPlaces: Workplaces Working with Migrant Women

Workplaces are formidable integration hubs. Not every workplace however is equally accessible to low-skilled migrant women, who as a result are excluded from the unique integration process work life offers.

Worldplaces aims to bring together the public and non-profit sector with for-profit employers in multi-stakeholder networks to bridge the gaps faced by migrant women.

Funded by AMIF fund, four national NGOs (Quid, IT and SPEAK, PT; NGOs GEN2RED, EN; Interventionsbüro, DE), in partnership Vigo University (ES), European Network Migrant Women  and Impact Hub EU (AT), will design 
practices supporting low-skilled migrant women in 4 key work life areas: Training and Leadership, Life and Community, Language and Culture, Sense of Self.

Over 3 years (2022-2024) the action will implement 4 pilots locally, directly involving 300 migrant women and reaching through the local networks over 30 for-profit employers and EU-wide (17 States) 450 integration champions, migrant and local women. They’ll act as network ambassadors and will feature in an artistic campaign on migrant and local women’s ‘habitus’/’clothes’ as a symbol of their work life.

FORUM: Intercultural Dialogue and Civic Participation against Stigmatisation of Migrants And Refugees

The aim of FORUM is to combat the stigmatization of migrants and refugees, with special attention to the women situation, through intercultural dialogues, raising the knowledge about the EU policies and promoting a democratic and civic participation, particularly within groups that are less involved in the UE policy making-process. This project responds to societal challenges such as rights access for migrant and refugee women. Its key feature is to transfer proposals from citizens to EU policy makers in order to ensure a participative elaboration of the New EU Migration Pact as well as to provide a base research that connect with the aims of Europe for citizens Program 2021-2027. Migrant women rights advocate organizations from France, Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Spain will be actively working in the FORUM project.


Mums at Work project aims to increase employability, sustainable income and social integration of migrant mothers aged 25-40 y.o. The project also aims to raise awareness of and influence key stakeholders (businesses, public sector, local communities, general public) with regards to the importance and mutual benefits of supporting economic and labour integration of migrant mothers in Europe. Additionally, the project aims to create a replicable model for such integration that can be used and integrated at policy-level, by relevant decision-making bodies, including at the EU and national level. Mums at Work is funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and coordinated by Pro Arbeit (Germany), in partnership with Vital Aid Foundation (the Netherlands), Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion (France), C.I.D.I.S. Onlus (Italy), Asociación Bienestar (Spain), Synthesis Centre (Cyprus) and the European Network of Migrant Women (Belgium/EU)

RIDE: Digital Empowerment for Migrant Women

Project RIDE, funded by the European Union's AMIF Fund is led by UNITEE (Belgium) in collaboration with Diesis Coop (Belgium), Litus Novum (Germany), Legalcoop (Italy), Youth Included (Czech Republic), Simplexis (Greece), Code to Change (Netherlands), Chamber of Commerce of Bulgaria (Bulgaria) and the Cisco Networking Academy Europe and European Network of Migrant Women. The RIDE Project aims at including migrant and refugee women into the digital labour market giving them the possibility to re-skilling/upskilling in the digital sector by specially designed courses and trainings enabling them to start working. A major part of the project will be dedicated to preparing them for the labour market in their new home country and to raise the awareness about women rights in the host society. In this project, jointly with Code to Change, we will develop the framework for all partners to implement the digital training and mentoring activities across five EU states. The project started in February 2021 and will last for two years.

COALESCE: Psychosocial, Economic and Legal Support to Third Country Female Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Europe

The project COALESCE, started in January 2021, funded by the AMIF Fund and led by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, in partnership with Immigrant Council of Ireland, Caritas and Refugee Council of Cyprus, Klaipeda Centre of Lithuania, Iroko Onlus of Italy and Marta Centre of Latvia, and European Network of Migrant Women, provides support to the female migrant victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Europe by providing gender-specific psycho-social, legal and economic support and assistance to TCN women victims of sex trafficking. The project develops synergies in needs identification, assistance and support. It also aims to place the voices and authentic opinions of trafficked women at the centre of implementation.

Teach Digital: Supporting Migrant and Minority Ethnic Women through Digital Education

Teach Digital is the project funded by Erasmus+ and coordinated by UK-based Go Woman, is aimed at increasing digital literacy and empowerment through digital technologies of migrant and minority ethnic women across several European states (UK, Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Lithuania). The project, started in January 2021, will last for two years and as a Network we will be actively contributing to its methodology design and visibilisation.

Changing the System: Enhancing Participation of Young Migrant and Refugee Women in International Political Processes

This project, supported by Women Forward International and implemented jointly with the students of Sciences Po University in Paris, lasted from September 2020 till February 2021, brought together academic research and grassroots action to build bridges, get a comprehensive view and truly assess how to have a positive impact on young migrant women capacity and agency to engage in political participation. Through this project, we organised a series of workshops with young migrant women. Most of the participants are now actively involved within the European Network of Migrant Women and its young women’s group Radical Girlsss.


The project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, aims to improve understanding of the changing nature drivers of migration and to analyse patterns, motivations and emerging migration trends. The project’s ambitions are to also to demonstrate non-traditional data sources for migration research.

ASSIST: Gender Specific Assistance and Support for Female Migrant Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation

The project ASSIST, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and coordinated by the Immigrant Council of Ireland, in collaboration with partners in Spain, Germany, UK, Italy, as well as our Network, was executed in 2019-2020. The project focused on the integration of trafficked women recovering from sexual exploitation. This project took into specific account the gender dimension of trafficking in Europe and the gender specific harms and trauma associated with trafficking for sexual exploitation. The result of the project was the development of a set of Best Practice Principles of Assistance of Migrant Female Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, detailed in a report available in English and French.

SMART Volunteering for Female Migrants

SMART Volunteering for Female Migrants was a project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), executed in 2018-2019, aimed at creating a multi-sector collaboration – between NGOs, Businesses and migrant women – in order to facilitate access of female migrants to employment through targeted and assisted volunteering programmes.

Get Close to Opera

The GET CLOSE TO OPERA project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, was implemented in 2018-2019. The project developed and promoted inclusive and multicultural arts education and training programmes seeking to support best practice in migrant and refugee contexts. The training methodology used Multiple Intelligence Theory and focus on Opera as the delivery artform. In this project ENoMW developed a training module on Women's Rights and Equality in Arts Education available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Greek.


#Womensvoices, a collaborative project between European Women’s Lobby (EWL), Women Refugee Commission and European Network of Migrant Women, conducted in 2017 was one of the first comprehensive studies bringing to light the violence, discrimination and exploitation faced by the refugee women arriving to Europe in the most recent waves of the refugee “crisis”.

Afghan Women Support

Since August 2021 our Network has been active in supporting the evacuations, resettlement and integration of Afghan women and girls fleeing Afghanistan due to its fall to the Taliban. Together with our members in Sweden (Afghan Women Organisation), Hungary (She4She), Greece (Melissa Network) and Poland (Polish Migration Forum), we have organised a number of public online events in support of Afghan women and girls, several international capacity-building workshop for Afghan female refugees. We supported the resettlement of women to several EU states, including Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany and Italy. With the support of EPIM foundation we were also able to provide material assistance to the women resettled in Europe, and organised a residential workshop for a group of Afghan women in Spain as well as a public event in the Spanish parliament.

Our work supporting the Afghan women and girls continues. If you want to learn more and support Afghan female refugees please contact frohar {at}

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