FULFIL: Protecting & Promoting Fundamental Rights of Migrant Women in Europe
Started in November 2022, the FULFIL project will focus on capacity-building of legal professionals in the area of strategic litigation on the cases of breaches of fundamental rights of migrant women in Europe, capacity-building of migrant women and civil society organisations (CSOs) working with them on legal cases, as well as building a case-law database.
FULFIL is funded by the CERV Fund of the European Union, in partnership with Association Olympe in France, Iroko Onlus in Italy and Association against Femicide in Portugal, as well as two legal firms – Artemis in France and Parolin Law firm in Italy – as well as the European Women’s Lawyers Association (EWLA).
MOVE: Engagement of men on the move
Displaced women and girls face increased risks of multiple forms of violence as a result, among many other factors, of displacement, conflict and persecution – in the countries of origin, transit and destination.
The MOVE project aims to end men’s violence against women and girls, including “honour”-related violence and oppression. It focuses on increasing the readiness and skills of both frontline professionals and specialised perpetrator programme staff to effectively identify, refer and work with male perpetrators with a migration background using a culturally sensitive approach.