European Network of Migrant Women

Category Archives


Le Manifeste pour les élections 2024

  • April 29, 2024

VERS UNE EUROPE DE JUSTICE, D’EGALITE ET DE DIGNITE POUR TOUTES LES FEMMES En juin 2024, les citoyen-nes européen-nes voteront pour... Continue Reading

Forced Marriage: a European Crime EU States Must Take Seriously

  • April 25, 2024

Forced Marriage in EU Law Download THB Directive VAW Directive Continue Reading

French, Italian, Portuguese, Greek and Spanish versions of the TOOLKIT: Meaningful Engagement and Integration of Migrant Women

  • April 12, 2024

WORLDPLACES: French, Italian, Greek, Portuguese and Spanish versions of the Toolkit on Meaningful Engagement and Integration of Migrant Women Across the... Continue Reading

Victims Rights Directive Statement

  • March 8, 2024

VICTIMS RIGHTS DIRECTIVE STATEMENTS March 2024. The proposed revision of the Victims Rights Directive by the European Commission seeks to prevent... Continue Reading

EU Elections 2024: ENOMW’s Manifesto

  • March 4, 2024

TOWARDS A EUROPE OF JUSTICE, EQUALITY AND DIGNITY FOR ALL WOMEN In June 2024, European citizens will vote to decide on... Continue Reading

Review of the Proposal for EU Talent Pool

  • February 27, 2024

European Network of Migrant Women’s Review of the Proposal for EU Talent Pool by the European Commission The European Commission’s proposal... Continue Reading

elections24 key demands

EU Elections 2024: ENOMW Key Demands

  • February 27, 2024

10 Key Demands from the European Network of Migrant Women to the European Parliament Candidates and their Parties On 6-9 June... Continue Reading

ENOMW Statement on the EU Directive on Violence against Women

  • February 27, 2024

European Network of Migrant Women’s Initial Analysis of the Agreed Text of the EU Directive on Violence against Women On February... Continue Reading

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