European Network of Migrant Women

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ENOMW’s Board meeting: Faro, Portugal

  • September 6, 2021

FINALLY OUR BOARD, STAFF AND MEMBERS MEET IN PERSON ! After many months of COVID restrictions, finally, our board was able... Continue Reading

Carte Blanche : Femmes et filles d’Afghanistan, nous ne nous tairons pas !

  • August 31, 2021

On 30 August 2021 European Network of Migrant Women, under the dome of Alter Egales, a participatory assembly made up of... Continue Reading

Stand Up For Afghan Women

  • August 19, 2021

STAND UP FOR AGHAN WOMEN: INTERNATIONAL EVENT OF SOLIDARITY 28 August is an day of global protests in support of Afghan... Continue Reading

Statement by ENoMW on the Situation in Afghanistan and the Rights of Afghan Women and Girls

  • August 16, 2021

At 16:30 Central European Time on 28 August – the global day of protest in support of Afghan people, European Network... Continue Reading

Marie-Paule Grossetête: in Memorial

  • July 20, 2021

Loss of a sister in struggle Last Saturday we lost a friend, sister, activist and a wonderful human being, Marie-Paule Grossetête.... Continue Reading

Generation Equality Forum: Feminist Education and Political Organisation of Young Migrant Women

  • June 27, 2021

WEBINAR: Feminist Education and Political Organisation of Young Migrant Women The webinar is in French with English and Spanish interpretation  Join... Continue Reading

TOOLKIT: Young Migrant Women’s Political Participation

  • June 20, 2021

Toolkit Until today, migrant and refugee women have been distanced from international frameworks and processes such as the CEDAW convention, the... Continue Reading

17 June – Celebrating CEDAW Convention: Launch of the Toolkit for Young Migrant Women

  • June 15, 2021

Celebrating CEDAW: Demistifying International Bill of Women’s Rights for Young Migrant Women and Girls. The Toolkit Launch. Did you know that... Continue Reading

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